Amsterdam - Drawyourmap

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Foto van Amsterdam - drawyourmap

With the DrawYourMap travel-and-activity book about Amsterdam in your hand, a city trip becomes fun and educational for kids and their parents! Did you know that there used to be a huge natural ice skating rink on what is now the Museumplein, right in front of the Rijksmuseum, and that the very first world all-round speed skating championships were held there? In this book you discover where you can take a 45-minute walk through the history of the Netherlands, and you will see the ship on which Dutch traders sailed to Indonesia in the 17th century. Because... you'sre going on a trip through Amsterdam! The capital of the Netherlands, where houses were built on stilts to stay dry. With this book you will get to know Amsterdam in a way that's both exciting and educational. By drawing your own map, you'sll be able to guide your friends or parents through the city, and tell them how 'sPeter Knows His Shoes's helps you remember the sequence of the main canals in Amsterdam. Are you coming, or not? Oh, by the way, you won'st be alone... A small puppy will follow you wherever you go...


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