How To Find Happiness in Marriage - Joseph Kwabena Osei - ebook

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A marriage is a sacred institution. It was established through the plural excellence of wisdom by the power behind the entire Existence. A marriage is a life time investment to be cultivated in the value of offspring. It is an in-depth companionship to assist each other to accomplish individual'ss sacred mission to be fulfilled in life. It is meant to add values to the life of mankind for the benefit of the entire Existence. A valueless marriage is a 'stime-trapped's and obviously, deprives mankind from its desirable happiness. The Heaven is on the earth. Such a heaven is attainable in a marriage which is governed by the innocence, unconditional love, the sense of justice, care, respect and trust. Any marriage lacking these divine qualities is running on the wheels of the Ego'ss mindset. Such a marriage is a lifeless marriage. It is a lunatic trend. Eventually, it gives birth to deceptions. This precious book; "how to find happiness in marriage" is meant to enlighten mankind to acknowledge the meaningful manner through which a perfect peace and everlasting prosperity, alike, happiness is attainable in marriage.


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